Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM*) is a biennial conference dedicated to the experimental study of linguistic meaning broadly construed, with a focus on theoretical issues in semantics and pragmatics, their interplay with other components of the grammar, their relation to language processing and acquisition, as well as their connections to human cognition and computation. It aims to include the broad and diverse spectrum of disciplines, topics, and methodologies involved, including linguistic, psychological, logical, philosophical, social, developmental, computational, as well as cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives. The hope is to foster a community of scholars dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of meaning, who might lack opportunities to interact at this level otherwise. We encourage researchers from around the world to submit their recent work to ELM, and to attend in order to discuss the latest theories and data in the cognitive science of meaning broadly construed.
The University of Pennsylvania is home to a vibrant interdisciplinary community that studies language and meaning across several departments. ELM acknowledges support from mindCORE, Penn’s hub for the integrative study of the mind; the Integrated Language Sciences and Technology (ILST) Initiative within mindCORE; Penn’s Department of Linguistics, and Penn’s University Research Foundation and the School of Arts & Sciences.
Philadelphia is a UNESCO World Heritage City with great history, culture, restaurants and museums. Most major points of interest are within walking distance of the conference location.
ELM 3 is scheduled for June 12-14, 2024. Submission deadline December 15, 2023. (Stay tuned for details here)
Organizers & Contact:
Anna Papafragou & Florian Schwarz
Email: organizers@elm-conference.net
Twitter: @ELM_Conference
Mailing List: join here!

The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) is proud to publish the Proceedings of ELM. Find out more about membership here.
*By coincidence, two conferences with the acronym ELM were conceived of at the same time. If you’re looking for our friends at the other ELM, click here: Expression, Language, and Music Conference (@ UConn)