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For Talks
- Talks will be giving live via video conference. See program for schedule. – The format is a standard conference presentation, 20 min + 10 min discussion.
- Talk sessions will be hosted as Zoom Webinars (this is the only aspect of the conference taking place outside of campuswire).
- There will be a session host who covers the technical side, and a session chair to lead the flow of the session. You just have to present and answer questions during discussion.
- We will run practice/check-in sessions in the weeks leading up to the conference.
- Talks will have a Live Q&A session managed by the session chair at the end (all you need to do is answer the questions as they get asked). We will provide more detailed instructions on screen sharing etc. shortly. (We’ll generally base it on the model CUNY used).
- We ask you to share your slides in advance, at the latest by the day before your talk. See here for details (Also in the File Uploads and Adding Links post on campuswire).
- For ongoing asynchronous discussion via written chat, each talk also has its own Chatroom on campuswire. (Find Chatroom names here)
See Info for Presenters post on campuswire for more details.
For Poster Presenters
Poster presentations will have the following elements:
- Live Poster Session (See program for schedule)
- Video recording of 1-minute ‘lightning talk’.
- ‘Poster’-file for a short presentation during live session
Please upload both the video and the poster file by September 11th. See here for details (Also in the File Uploads and Adding Links post on campuswire). - Chatroom for ongoing asynchronous discussion via written chat. (Find Chatroom names here)
You can record lightning talks in standard presentation software like Power Point (see, e.g., this useful video). You can post on the Group Feed under the Presenters-Posters category if any questions or issues come up for you.
The ‘poster’ file is a document conveying content comparable to that included in a standard poster. We recommend formatting it in slides (about 6) that correspond to sections of a poster to facilitate screen sharing in the Live Poster Session, but ultimately it’s up to you what format works best for you, and a traditional poster format is acceptable, too.
See Info for Presenters post on campuswire for more details.
For Talks & Posters
Please fill out the Presenter Permission Form (one per presentation)!
Interact: Each presentation has its own Chatroom on campuswire for discussion. Make sure to join (if you weren’t added already) your presentation’s room, and monitor for messages. This will be available before, during, and after the conference.
See Info for Presenters (General) post on campuswire for more details (also on general discussion opportunities and proceedings information).]
The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) is proud to publish the Proceedings of ELM. Find out more about membership here.
- Length will be up to 12 pages. Shorter is ok, though with a minimum of 7 pages. Both talks and posters are invited to contribute to proceedings.
- Due date for submissions will be about 6 weeks after the conference – we’re aiming to have publication dates match the year of the conference, thus need quick turn-around.
- More details, including style guide and templates, will be shared with authors soon.